Friday, November 22, 2019

Getting to Know the CNC Machine

If you have a CNC machine, you must know quite a bit about it, if not, then you ought to get some info about it before using it. Assuming that you have purchased a mill and you want to cut metal, once you have the information you need, you are almost ready to build anything.

CNC and Laser

Getting hold of the accessories that you need

Now that you have a CNC machine, you will want to make sure that you have everything you need to go with it. You can find all the necessary accessories online through any web portal on the internet. First of all, you will want to get hold of some strong, dependable cutters with sizes ½” or down. Then you will want to make sure that you have a high quality vise, clamping kit and a set of parallels to help you. This keeps your work space from moving as your cut. If your machine didn’t come with a coolant, get one. Purchase a set up that will help you reduce chipping all along the way.

Using the right technologies

Learn about the technologies involved with these machines. As a beginner, you can stick with MDI and a feeds and speeds calculator. MDI is essentially a code that is used to tell the machine how it is supposed to cut the medium you provide without disturbing any of the other data that has already been stored. A feeds and speeds calculator allows you to determine how quickly the cutter should move in order to produce the best cut based on the project and the material being used.

Learning CAD/CAM

If you have already mastered everything above, then the final steps would be to learn CAD/CAM. They are easy to learn, and they are essentially sets of software that you can use not only to design the finished product, but also tell the machine to create it. Mastering cam and cam will help you build your first projects and many other projects, where the software will tell the CNC machine exactly what it needs to do to create the product you designed.

The sand paper power tool, used to smooth surfaces by abrasion and sandpaper. This machine is also known as the sanders machine.